Velvet Pro Round 0
Some scattered thoughts on my first keyboard group buy at 3:00 AM on August 17, 2024.
A warm thank you to all those who participated. You will probably never read this, but your honest feedback, constructive criticism, and willingness to wait for the Velvet Pro meant everything to me. Some of you had waited over a year since the announcement of my interest in a “friends and family” run. Without you, I would not have been able to deliver ~20 units of a silly computer input device around the world simultaneously. Thank you for all the media that you have created or will create. You have been an incredible audience and I look forward to working with you in the future.
Not too many real complaints from me. According to my representative, DDS had recently changed the way they anodize their products. I was not informed of this before my units went into anodization, thus, all the keyboards have a unflattering finish. Historically, DDS produced keyboards have come really smooth and premium feeling. While the machining and everything else remains largely flawless (to me), the texture of the board is akin to that of the surface of a computer chassis. I have never been a stickler for anodization on any of my boards, which is due in large to my limited experience in the hobby, but I was definitely met with disappointment when I felt my prototype and my group buy unit side by side. I will know if DDS can achieve the previous finish with my next prototype.
I could’ve positively done better with internals fulfillment. Really poorly timed the arrival of internals with the delivery of boards… Alas, huge thanks to DDS for fulfilling the boards.
It was a privilege to get Velvet Pro’s into more hands. When I picked up Fusion360, I never fathomed anything that resembled a group buy. Unfortunately, personal circumstances severely limit the scale I can achieve. I am a guy with a full-time job and no desire to make keyboard design my career. In spite of the fact that I conclusively took a loss doing this “at cost” run, I am really grateful that the community gave me the opportunity to do so.